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Club Policies

AABTS Club Policies on Remembrance, Donations. and Access by External Vendors

AABTS Remembrance

Chris Flaviani, Chair
Remembrance Guidelines
General Description: Floral/plant arrangement or other appropriate bequest for injury/surgery or death of a Club member or member's immediate family.
  •  Injury or surgery: two remembrances within a two year period for same member – then card thereafter.
  •  Shall send flowers/donations for the loss of a AABTS member’s immediate family, spouse or child
  •  Death of a parent of an AABTS Club member – send a card

AABTS Charitable Donations Policy

This policy statement is intended to provide guidelines for AABTS Board consideration of charitable and other donations.
The Donation Policy will be limited to the following types of recipients:
  1. Large or national charities providing significant aid to the Ann Arbor community at large.  These organizations must provide at least a giving/service cost of 70% of total revenue.  Ratings may be found at, and  These will likely be one-off donations for a specific purpose.
    1.  Board should limit donations to those whose primary orientation is to furtherance of cycling, cycling safety and training. 
    2. Donations based on the participation of AABTS members in associated ride events must be subject to the above limitation on purpose.
    3. Emphasis in evaluations should be directed primarily to qualifying (per the above) organizations which provide the most significant local support to community and local state cycling
  2. Local non-profit and religious institutions, without ranking limits, for organizations which provide cycling oriented support to the community (i.e., Common Cycle, or PEAC).
    1.  Donations to such organizations should be limited to specific purchase needs or to limited support for operational needs.
  3. Donations to the Lucian Chaney Bicycle Fund.
  4. Donations to local governmental entities for services provided to AABTS members, or the cycling community at large, (i.e., Washtenaw County Road Commission, or similar, or for restroom facility and parking/ride origination use).
    1.  Donations should be limited to small amounts as a “Thank You” for service to AABTS members.
    2. Larger donations should be considered for specific projects benefitting local cycling safety.
    3. Donations must not be made under any circumstance which might be considered political.  For example, money or services must never be provided under AABTS sponsorship to support election of any candidate(s).  Nor should AABTS allow member sponsorship using its name for such purposes.
  5. Non-profit organizations which act to promote bicycle safety or displays and policies which promote public awareness of cycling issues (i.e., Dexter Bicycle sculpture or WBWC). 
  6. Commercial organizations such as restaurants may be awarded material items (tables/chairs, etc.) under limited and necessary circumstances.  This should not be construed as approval of cash awards for service provided under their normal operating circumstances.  The Board will carefully limit such awards.
  7. AABTS projects under its own auspices to promote cycling safety and public image (i.e., Helmet give away, LAB Road training).
The Board should feel free to expand or contract the scope of this draft to better describe the club’s objectives in such support.

Policy on External Organization Access to Club Events

Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society (AABTS)
As of December 17, 2015
Policy on External Organization Access to Club Events
With a view to controlling commercial and nonprofit marketing or sales efforts at AABTS events, the AABTS Board of Directors (the Board) has agreed on the following Policy.
AABTS is registered with the IRS as a nonprofit 501(C4) organization.  As such, it cannot engage in profit making commercial activities, nor may it have the appearance of supporting or engaging in any political activity.  Access to AABTS events must not be allowed for profit making promotions and all access, both for profit and nonprofit organizations, must not interfere with member or public enjoyment or benefit from partaking in the event.

The following rules will govern allowing access to AABTS events:
  1. All access by other than AABTS members will be by prior approval.  Requests for access must be made in writing with sufficient time for the sponsoring AABTS committee to consider the application at a regular or special meeting, or by email discussion by the committee.
  2. If the requesting organization is unsure of the particular approval committee, it may make their application through the AABTS president who will forward the application to the appropriate committee.
  3. No application for access by a commercial organization for purposes of product or services  marketing will be approved.
  4. All requests for access by a nonprofit organization will be made in writing stating its purpose, activity, or support for non commercial or non political activities.  Under no circumstances will AABTS allow an organization to actively support or ask for AABTS member support for political activity or issues.
  5.  If an AABTS Committee is unsure of its ability to approve the application or is unsure of its ability to determine the eligibility of the requesting organization, the application must be referred to the AABTS Board of Directors for final determination.