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The following are links to various web sites that provide useful information (leaving this site).
AABTS does not endorse, advertise or promote specific products. Links are provided for safety information only.



AABTS Rules of the Road

The mark of a safe and effective cyclist is respect for and awareness of their surroundings, including weather, road conditions, and others using the road.

With this guideline in mind, all AABTS riders agree to:

  • Wear helmets
  • Obey all traffic laws
  • Ride no more than two abreast
  • Ride as far to the right as practicable
  • Use appropriate hand and verbal signals to communicate with other cyclists and with motorists

In addition cyclists will:

  • Wear helmets
  • Obey all traffic laws
  • Ride no more than two abreast
  • Ride as far to the right as practicable
  • Use appropriate hand and verbal signals to communicate with other cyclists and with motorists
  • Move right and single up when there is a "car back"
  • Observe for themselves whether an intersection is clear before crossing (not just follow the pack)
  • Not wear headphones while riding
  • Not use Aero-bars when riding with a group or in a paceline (It is OK to have bars installed on the bike. Enforcement of this rule is left up to the discretion of the ride leader.)


Cyclists and Thunderstorms

Statistic: (as of 2008) 1,000 people get struck by lightning every year in the United States; Over 10% die as a result of the strike. Cyclists on the open road will eventually encounter a thunderstorm. Here's what to do:

1. Carry a rainjacket for long rides or if rain is predicted. Even in the heat of summer, hypothermia can set in very fast in heavy downpours.

2. Assess the risk. When skies darken, stop pedaling and look AND listen for increasing wind, flashes of lightning, sound of thunder. Where's the storm coming from? If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be struck by lightning. Lightning often may occur as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall. How far away is the storm? Count seconds between a lightning flash and the thunder that follows -- sound travels about a mile every 5 seconds

3. Seek shelter immediately. Look for a sturdy building or shelter such as an underpass, a large barn, a store, or a railroad station. Avoid small sheds, isolated trees, tall trees, and hilltops. You do not want to be a solitary vertical figure on an open road or in an open field. Taking shelter inside a car is okay, but do not crawl under it.

4. No shelter? Get away from your metal bike. Rubber tires and rubber shoe soles offer no protection from lightning. Find a low spot, avoiding fences and poles, but avoid flood-prone areas, especially deep canyons. If you really need to be under a tree, pick a short one. Cellular phones are safe to use, but avoid using land lines because lightning can travel along them.

5. Strike imminent. If you feel your skin tingle or your hair stand on end, squat low to the ground, feet close together, on the balls of your feet. Place your hands on your knees with your head between them. By minimizing your contact with the ground, the electric potential that radiates outward from the point of a lightning strike is less likely to flow through you, minimizing lightning-related injuries such as cardiac arrest, organ damage, and burns. NEVER lie down on the ground!

Recover from Bumping and Wheel Contact

Accidental contact with another rider or their bike can happen without warning when riding in a pace line or a group. Club member Jeff Witzburg collected a few articles on the subject, including some valuable tips and practice drills. How To Recover from Bumping and Wheel Contact (PDF)

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Latest update 06/03/2019